i have a license which allows me to download Revit from 2009 throu2015 and Building design ultimate from 2016 throu 2019. I have had Bim 360 glue for a m==number of years and somehow managed to lose it. I can't get it back and i need to since i am woring on a project now that requires it for downloads and for Navis models.
New BIM 360 Glue 2009
Download File: https://miimms.com/2vAaaM
JORDAN BRANDT, technology futurist at Autodesk, San Francisco, CA. He also teaches multidisciplinary design at Stanford University while researching design optimization methods. In 2009, he co-founded Horizontal Systems, which was acquired by Autodesk in 2011, and oversaw the development of Glue, a 3D cloud-collaboration platform that is now BIM 360 Glue.
And whether through attrition or other means, BIM holdouts will be a faint memory. And the social glue holding your firm in place will be replaced by BIM, just as Horizontal Glue was replaced by BIM 360 Glue.
The main advantage of prefabrication is that it allows production and assembly of materials to take place in an environment that is usually not influenced by any external factors that generally prevail on construction sites, such as weather or dirt. Further, machinery used in prefabrication are highly specialized, and its specifications are tailored to the production requirements for producing output with specific characteristics and features. The condition of stationary, temporary, unique fabrication, as construction is generally defined, is no longer valid. Instead, prefabrication allows for leveraging economies of scale, reducing material and production costs by scaling and increasing production output while reducing construction time (Neelamkavil 2009).
A Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) is a prefabricated engineered lightweight building component that consists of a rigid insulating polymer foam core sandwiched by two layers of facial skins. This work focuses on the production of magnesium oxide (MgO) SIPs, where the facial layers are made from MgO boards, and the polymer foam core consists of extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam. It may come with pre-cut electrical chase holes to simplify on-site wiring and piping (Chen et al. 2017), which is not taken into further investigation as this is not within the scope of this paper. MgO boards and insulation materials are compounded using hot melt or low-temperature glue, which is brushed using a glue spreading machine. Compression also needs to be done using an appropriate hydraulic press. For both brushing and compressing, automation is assumed to be mandatory to achieve a certain level of quality set by regulations for maintaining consistent glue spread and structural integrity. The panels are used in many different dimensions up to 12 10 feet (3.6 3 m).
The assembly line design showed that material costs are a large portion of the total costs of SIP production as soon as near-optimal production rates (maximum production rates) for each design are achieved. Using local material suppliers can be considered as a positive impact in socio-ecological terms, but it also has economic disadvantages resulting from unexploited economies of scale. Most of the time, off-site prefabrication uses one contractor for each material, demands high volumes, and, therefore, can use the economies of scale to significantly lower costs on the material. Capital costs that have to be spent on glue extruders, conveyors, hydraulic presses, etc. were found to be lower than expected. The costs were either taken from literature or based on the expert opinion.
During 2008 the field test was performed near the smelter complex Monchegorsk (6751'N, 3248'E) to estimate suitability of innovate method for site remediation in severe conditions such as in industrial barren. The method is based on cultivation of perennial grasses using hydroponics with thermally inflated vermiculite from local deposit (Kovdor) followed by rolled lawn placement on very contaminated sites near Monchegorsk. Growing in very contaminated ground resulted in 50% rolled lawn surface loss during first year but with biodiversity maintenance. Field experiment was carried out in three variants (1- mineral ground - flat site; 2- mineral ground- slope sites; 3- organogenic ground - flat site in depression in five replicates. More comprehensive results were received for mineral ground due to better natural washing compared to organogenic ground. In all variants we observed secondary roots formation. It seems obvious that plant roots choose the best zones of soils to grow, and that they avoided toxic zones. Observations continued during 2009 to follow freezing influence and nutrient loss rate. We observed grass survival of about 20-30% during second year of field test but grass roots proliferated very slowly in contaminated ground. Affinity to the ground is one of most important estimate of rolled lawn efficiency for grass cover creation. One of possible measure to improve rolled lawn affinity is to establish additional permeable barrier for grass roots isolation from toxic ground. Simultaneously with rolled lawn placement litterbag experiment was carried out with quartz sand as filling. Quartz was chosen as blank compound and as possible material for permeable barrier creation. Original quartz have some initial nutritional status: pH 6.87, available forms of K 1.9 mg g-1, Ca 9.5 mg g-1, Mg 2.8 mg g-1, P 0.4 mg g-1. There was both increasing and decreasing of quartz nutritional status during 2008-2009 period. Besides quartz is recognized to be some barrier
We demonstrate that ultraviolet light can be used to make sterically oriented covalent immobilization of a large variety of protein molecules onto either gold or thiolated quartz or silicium. The reaction mechanism behind the reported new technology involves light induced breakage of disulphide bridges in proteins upon UV illumination of nearby aromatic amino acids, resulting in the formation of free, reactive thiol groups that will form covalent bonds with thiol reactive surfaces. The protein molecules in general retain their function. The size of the immobilization spot is determined by the dimension of the UV beam. In principle, the spot size may be as small as 1 micrometer or less. We have developed the necessary technology for preparing large protein arrays of enzymes and fragments of monoclonal antibodies. Dedicated Image Processing Software has been developed for making quality assessment of the protein arrays. A multitude of important application areas such as drug carriers and drug delivery, bioelectronics, carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles as well as protein glue are discussed.
To quantify personal time-weighted average respirable dust and quartz exposure on a sandy, a sandy loam, and a clay soil farm in the Free State and North West provinces of South Africa and to ascertain whether soil type is a determinant of exposure to respirable quartz. Three farms, located in the Free State and North West provinces of South Africa, had their soil type confirmed as sandy, sandy loam, and clay; and, from these, a total of 298 respirable dust and respirable quartz measurements were collected between July 2006-November 2009 during periods of major farming operations. Values below the limit of detection (LOD) (22 μg m(-3)) were estimated using multiple 'imputation'. Non-parametric tests were used to compare quartz exposure from the three different soil types. Exposure to respirable quartz occurred on all three farms with the highest individual concentration measured on the sandy soil farm (626 μg m(-3)). Fifty-seven, 59, and 81% of the measurements on the sandy soil, sandy loam soil, and clay soil farm, respectively, exceeded the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) threshold limit value (TLV) of 25 μg m(-3). Twelve and 13% of respirable quartz concentrations exceeded 100 μg m(-3) on the sandy soil and sandy loam soil farms, respectively, but none exceeded this level on the clay soil farm. The proportions of measurements >100 μg m(-3) were not significantly different between the sandy and sandy loam soil farms ('prop.test'; P = 0.65), but both were significantly larger than for the clay soil farm ('prop.test'; P = 0.0001). The percentage of quartz in respirable dust was determined for all three farms using measurements > the limit of detection. Percentages ranged from 0.5 to 94.4% with no significant difference in the median quartz percentages across the three farms (Kruskal-Wallis test; P = 0.91). This study demonstrates that there is significant potential for over-exposure to respirable quartz in
In the present study, the sorption characteristics of Cd(II) and Zn(II) ions on quartz, a representative soil-component, and the desorption of these metal ions from quartz using rhamnolipid biosurfactant were investigated. In the first part of the studies, the effects of initial metal ion concentration and pH on sorption of Cd(II) and Zn(II) ions by a fixed amount of quartz (1.5g) were studied in laboratory batch mode. The equilibrium sorption capacity for Cd(II) and Zn(II) ions was measured and the best correlation between experimental and model predicted equilibrium uptake was obtained using the Freundlich model. Although investigations on the desorption of heavy metal ions from the main soil-components are crucial to better understand the mobility and bioavailability of metals in the environment, studies on the description of desorption equilibrium were performed rarely. In the second part, the desorption of Cd(II) and Zn(II) from quartz using rhamnolipid biosurfactant was investigated as a function of pH, rhamnolipid concentration, and the amounts of sorbed Cd(II) and Zn(II) ions by quartz. The Freundlich model was also well fitted to the obtained desorption isotherms. Several indexes were calculated based on the differences of the quantity of Cd-Zn sorbed and desorbed. A desorption hysteresis (irreversibility) index based on the Freundlich exponent, concentration-dependent metal distribution coefficients, and the irreversibility index based on the metal distribution coefficient were used to quantify hysteretic behavior observed in the systems. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2ff7e9595c