Keil Mdk 5 Keygen Downloadl ???? ???? Click Here ===== =2sJPADg2u.orgWarezReferencesCategory:Keil softwareQ:How do I make Rails allow me to use a custom generator to name my model in my initializer?I want to make the name of my tables class-name-suffix so that if i later drop a table and create it again it will be automatically created as the same name.So I have a table named store, in a database called mydatabase and I want to generate the model for this table to be named store.In my rails initializer I tried to create the file app/generators/store_generator.rb# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-class StoreGenerator true do t t.primary_key "id" t.string "name", :default => "", :null => false t.text "description", :default => "" t.datetime "created_at", :default => t.datetime "updated_at", :default => end endendIn config/application.rb I added config.active_record.generators = :storeI also added a store_generator.rb file to config.generatorsIn my database.yml I added store as a primary_key# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-# Warning: The database should be completely upgraded to the latest version before you# start using this tutorial.# Binary Journal - ee730c9e81
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