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Frackin Universe Mech Parts: A Comprehensive List of All Available Parts and Their Stats


Different parts can be obtained by learning their corresponding blueprints, usually found in non-planet locations in space. They can be equipped to the mech by using the Mech Assembly Station on your space station, or in Dr. Akaggy's workshop.

As pieces are slotted in, the total energy and energy usage rate as well as the mech appearance will adjust. There are two color pickers underneath the Assembly diagram -one for the main color of the mech, and one for accent color. These options, if set to a color other than the default, will recolor all mech parts together, making the entire mech color coordinated with the selected options, and any swapped-in mech pieces will automatically color-adjust to the selected color palette.

frackin universe mech parts

Frackin' Universe is a massive overhaul mod for StarBound created by Sayter. It boasts new armors, new weapons, new mechanics, new biomes, new dungeons, new quests, new crew, new mech parts, new vehicles, automation. Essentially, more of everything plus more.

There are 3 mech parts for the precursor mech; Precursor Mech Legs, Precursor Mech Body and Precursor Mech Boosters.Item names are = "mechbodyprecursor", "mechboosterprecursor", "mechlegsprecursor" 2ff7e9595c


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